Your gateway to privacy, freedom, and decentralization.

Your Free Remote Monero Node

Monero is more than a cryptocurrency - it's a movement for privacy and financial freedom. By using this Monero remote node, you're getting lightweight access to a decentralized network that values your anonymity and independence.

This website is also available on: Web Tor

Please click one of the buttons.

Node Status

  • Clearnet: Checking...
  • Tor: http://xmrnodeupj3otayfmsr5zcemu7g42ttpw5jgfgtyefgp3fflnfim4hyd.onion:18081 Checking...

Scheduled Maintenance

No upcoming maintenance, servers should be online.

How to Connect to the Node

Option 1: Clearnet (Web)

  1. Install a Monero-compatible wallet (e.g., Monero GUI/CLI).
  2. In the wallet, go to Settings - Node - "Remote Node" - add remote node.
  3. Use this address:
  4. Use this port: 443.
  5. Click on the address.

Option 2: Tor (Hidden Service - monerowallet-gui)

  1. Install a Monero-compatible wallet (e.g., Monero GUI/CLI).
  2. Set up the Tor browser on your system and connect to the Tor network.
  3. In the wallet, go to Settings - Node - "Remote Node" - add remote node.
  4. Enter the following address as the remote node: http://xmrnodeupj3otayfmsr5zcemu7g42ttpw5jgfgtyefgp3fflnfim4hyd.onion.
  5. Use this port: 18081.
  6. In the wallet, go to Settings - Interface - check Socks5 proxy - IP: Port: 9150 (You are using your Tor browser to connect your wallet to the Tor network.)
  7. Go back to Node and click on the address.

Option 3: Tor (Hidden Service - Feather Wallet)

  1. Install a Tor-compatible Monero wallet (e.g., Feather Wallet).
  2. Set up Tor on your system.
  3. Enter the following address as the remote node: http://xmrnodeupj3otayfmsr5zcemu7g42ttpw5jgfgtyefgp3fflnfim4hyd.onion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who needs this node?

This node is open for people who want to use Monero—especially those in places where running a personal node isn't feasible.

Is this safe? Can I trust you?

While using your own node is always the safest option, connecting via a trusted VPN or Tor also provides a secure experience.


If you enabled Javascript on this website, you can click on the red colored text and directly copy it to clipboard. Whenever you copypaste something, make sure to manually check if the address is correct - there exists malware that can change the text in the clipboard to insert malicious things, like wrong addresses.


Upcoming milestones include support for I2P and Yggdrasil networks, along with publishing both the node and website there.

Support This Node

Help keep this node running by donating Monero:


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